“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Our Final Concept Idea

Our final concept idea
For our final concept idea, as a new group we have all decided to go with the tribal music video idea to the soundtrack 'Stranger' by Skrillex. We have made the choice to go with this idea, as a group we all agreed that it was the most visually interesting; compared to the majority of music video ideas, ours was very unique.

Currently, we are now at the stage of drafting our timeline of every shot we want in our music video for every 2 seconds. We have now also added in another element that a young boy will be walking in the woods and he will be chased after by the tribal dancers and changed into one. The concept of this idea is that it is mainly performance based, however, it has the slight narrative at the beginning where we see the tribal women watching this average man who is wondering the forest by himself. We added this element as we thought by just having dancers dancing around in the woods would get very dull and to make the music video more interesting we'd have to add in a performance element.

I did a rough sketch drawing of the costumes we want our dancers to wear. For the female dancers, we want them wearing tribal like clothing, but we want to show flesh on both the male and female, so that we can add tribal markings from paint. As you can see the drawings aren't very detailed by the females dress consists of either a skirt and an off the shoulder crop top/ 3/4 length trousers and a crop top. For the male who walks into the forest we want him to have a complete contrasting image to the tribal costume. We want him to look clean, pure and innocent, so we decided that he should be wearing a white shirt and 3/4 length trousers/ shorts.

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