“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Sunday 21 September 2014

Music Video Inspirations


All three of the music videos I have chosen are unique in their own way; however they are all bizarre. We really liked the idea of a grungy, run down theme like in tribal context; we also really liked the idea of using a bath at some stage in the music video, the bath would be full of dirty, black water, as we thought as a group that it would look very effective and add to the tribal theme in the dark, dirty woods.
   We want our music video to stand out from normal popular pop music videos; we want to go for an edgy, trippy appearance for our star image. We also decided as a group that we want one female star in the music video that is very diverse; our female protagonist has bleach blonde, curly/frizzy hair; we could utilize this feature and style her hair to a crazy, tribal hairstyle similar to some of Lady Gaga's hairstyles in her music video 'Bad Romance'. 
   As a group we came up with the idea of having our main female star (Bethany) to represent this God-like figure, dressed in white, as though she is distinctively the leader, where she would have random arms coming from behind to portray that she is in control like in the Princess of China music video

Bad Romance

I Fink Ur Freeky

Princess of China

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