“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Target Audience Research

Target Audience Research

In today's lesson we each wrote down our favourite music video on a piece of paper, without showing one another. Phil chose three random music videos, our task then was to analyse the music video and to make notes regarding our thoughts on the video.

Here are the notes I made during class:

The three music videos we studied and analysed in class are the following;

1. Holding onto Heaven- Foxes

  • four students liked it abit
  • dizziness effect- the camera moves a lot- echoing, arrangement-voice (sounds similar to Florence and the Machine
  • visual style
  • fashion, quirky style
  • choreography 
  • this music video is aimed at 14-25 year olds- teenage/ young adults- definitely a female stewed audience

2. Crazy in Love- Beyoncé

  • four students like it a lot (all girls)
  • three like it a bit (all girls)
  • they said they liked watching Beyonce dance
  • it has rhythmic editing
  • liked looking at her body- fantasy for girls to be as beautiful as her 
  • sexual 
  • costume- reveals her figure-desirable clothes/ fahsionable
The main appeal of the music video is that the girls/ gay males think that Beyonce is amazing and "goddess-like"and love to watch her perform.

The young female audience idolize her beauty and performance.

3. 30 Seconds to Mars- Up in the air

  • six like the music video (5 girls and 1 boy)
  • they found it visually interesting- especially how they used the camera and then edited it
  • the singer is attractive
  • the lighting they use is visually appealing
  • the art design is very intricate 
  • decadent - leather
This particular music video applies to a broad variety of people.

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