“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Monday 29 September 2014

Polydor Records

Polydor Records

Today, two members of the British label company, Polydor Records which is owned by Universal Music group based in London, came in to talk to us about the process in which they go through to produce a music video. Throughout the talk they gave to us, I made some notes. 

  • ·      Work closely with A&R, they sign the artist, gives them a clear image in their head and then they will market the artist, they come together and sit down and see what the artist wants to do

  • ·      Video is the biggest marketing tool that an artist has and there is a lot of pressure, some people rely a lot on the music video

  • ·      The directors opinion is key

  • ·      They worked with 1975, the singer Matty puts together the idea, and he has a very strong image what they want to do in their music video

  • ·      The marketing director sets the budget and then they can begin from there

  • ·      They send the idea to about 10 different directors

  • ·      Performance based/animation/narrative/purely conceptional- plenty of different options

  • ·      Any artwork references the artist might of put together

  • ·      They put their ideas out very openly- the first visual that anyone will see

  • ·      They get back treatments and read through them with the artist, director and the label, budget, they send a contract, prep the video, shoot it

  • ·      It takes about a month long to take, but animation normally takes a bit longer

  • ·      Normally one day to shoot

  • ·      Its hard to get the artist in with their busy schedule

  • ·      £5000-£150,000 budget scale

  • ·      Average budget is £10,000-15,000

  • ·      Sponsored money

  • ·      Very time consuming in a 16 hour day

  • ·      Most of the videos go on vevo as they get funding from that

  • ·      Youtube- vevo- radio 1…all linked

  • ·      Previewed the music video for Ellie Gouldings video shoot in LA- it took 6 months to get the idea across

  • ·      With a more established artist and more money- its put across how she looks, the performance and beauty is more important than the actual music video itself

  • ·      Bipolar sunshine- Deckchairs on the moon… there was about 20 elements in the music video

    Ellie Goulding- Goodness Gracious

      The first music video we studied with them was Ellie Goulding's 'Goodness Gracious' Music Video that Emily (one of the Polydor members that came in to talk to us) helped in producing and filming. We were first given a photocopy of the original treatment- which is a booklet containing the distinct theme and visual styles that can be seen across all of the elements within the video. The booklet had very little words on the page; it was mainly images demonstrating the location, the costume, the set and the starring cast.
    Bipolar Sunshine- Deckchairs on the Moon

The second music video we studied with them was 'Deckchairs on the Moon' by a new artist Bipolar sunshine. The director was relatively unknown, but he showed a lot of passion and had a clear set vision for the music video. This young director had previously made two addidas commercials, and Polydor gave him a chance to show what he can do.

La Roux- Kiss and not tell

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