“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Friday 12 September 2014

Pitching my initial concepts to the Class

 Pitching my initial concepts to the Class

Today I pitched my three music video ideas to the class.  Here is a picture taken by one of my classmates of me presenting my ideas to the rest of the class.
 Here is a video showing the feedback I received from my class straight after telling them my ideas...

"I really liked the fast car idea because not many people know what the track is about"- Bella (17 years old) 

"its an extremely famous song and it is a bit of an issue when you cut to one of your friends singing instead of Tracy Chapman"- Phil (media studies teacher) 

"I really like the 3rd idea (the band idea) I think the song works and its a bit different to what everyone else has chosen... the idea of time is a good idea, I don't know whether you could you use shots of like sandtimes, that'll look quite visually interesting" - Harry (17 years old)

"my favourite idea on a whole is the second one but I dont know if we can actually do it well as you want really big landmarks.. but the third one will be a lot more doable" - Chloe (17 years old)

Here is the feedback on recorded on my phone:

Overall the feedback I received was very positive. My favourite idea is still the first idea the 'Fast Car' idea about the family of three and the story of the young teenage girl that goes through a hard life in poverty, as her dad is an alcoholic and her mum and dad have a bad relationship between one another, so she decides to leave her family and start her own life. She meets a partner but he starts to be taking the same path as her dad did and it reflects the exact same scenario that her mum went through with her husband. I wanted to portray the message of poverty to show how hard it is once you are in poverty, it is extremely hard to get out of, its like a chain, that keeps going on and on.

After presenting this music video to the class, I found out that the idea was well thought out and very detailed, however the idea of a narrative is a big ask, and will be quite difficult to make, although if it was created to a very high standard it would be a success, as there is no original music video anywhere that has been made, so I am determined to create a very successful music video.

The other music video idea of mine that was popular was the idea about the band in the garage with the music 'Time is running out' by Muse. My classmates gave me a lot of good feedback about this- they liked how different my idea was and how no one else really has the idea of a rock band in a garage

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