“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Our Preparation for our Animatic

Our Animatic

What is an animatic?

An animatic is a preliminary version of the music video, which is produced by shooting successive sections of a storyboard and adding a soundtrack.

Preparation for our animatic

One of the members in our group, Liv went to Loz the peforming arts secretary who deals with the costumes for all of the school musicals/plays/concerts and of course music videos. Liv left this letter (as shown in the image below) on the teacher's desk to see if she had any facial paint that were light blue, white red and brown in colour so that we could test them to see if we liked them for the tribal like look on our dancers.

We had spoken to our performers to arrange a meeting with them on Monday during our freetime so that myself and Lauren can teach our choreography of the dance to them, also so that we can film Bethany and make her lip sync in front of the camera to check that she is confident in doing this and doesn't turn shy when she is put in the spotlight infront of the camera, as if it came to the shooting day and she was quite shy when we film her; this would be a disaster.

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