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-Andrew Sullivan

Saturday 28 September 2013

Sexy Beast: Opening title sequence

Sexy Beast
 I also studied 'Sexy Beast', which was in contrast to the shining, as it is obviously a comedy. The main character is introduced, and he comes off as a rough, retired, wealthy Gangster "Bladdy 'ell"- his first line. His appearance is ironic to the name of the film 'sexy beast' which he does not come across as. He is in his own villa, in somewhere hot (like Spain) and deserted, I wonder why? He has a young Spanish boy cleaning for him, which shows his lazy character, as he is just lounging away sunbathing. A massive boulder rolls down the hill? It leaves the audience puzzled to why this happened, who did it and why was their a shot of a women driving her car. Had she pushed the rock to try and kill him? Is he a bad character? It raises many questions which draws the audience in to want to know more. 

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