“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Friday 20 September 2013

First Camera Session with Matt

A few days ago I had a media studies lesson at Hurtwood House, but this time we had to go to the Filming studio. We walked into the studio and it was all dark and black inside, with a huge green screen in it. We were shown these huge cameras called Sony NX5, and we were shown how to set them up and how to work them properly in a small group. We were shown how to pan and zoom, how to focus, how to white balance, and how to use exposure. After this lesson, I went away knowing how to set up the camera on its stand safely, and making sure it's secure. We went through a long detailed process of how to set the camera up:

  1. Take the stand out of the bag, and place it standing up, you can adjust the legs of the stand, by using the nobs on the side of each leg
  2. Take the camera out of its bag making sure you are grasping it firmly. Our teacher told us to say "yours" when your handing over the camera and when the person waiting to hold the camera has securely got hold of it, they would say "mine".
  3. The camera would slide on top by pressing a small button and pushing it on, once its clicked on you shake it to make sure its tightly in place
  4. Then, you have to what we call, "bubble" the stand, which is the bubble spirit level which you have to centre, so that the camera takes good, balanced levels. 
  5. Then, we had to the turn the camera and then Matt showed us how to white balance etc (as shown above).

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