“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Friday 20 September 2013

Account of prelim shoot

 In our first Preliminary Task, we were used the Sony NX5 Camera. We had to set up the camera in the classroom, as this is where we were filming. We were told to set up the classroom however we wanted to for a short film, we could also choose our own storyline and two of us had to act, what is shown in the two images to the right.
  I went in a group of four, of which Luke and Lulu were filming and Sarah and I were acting, I was the RED person and Sarah was the BLACK. We decided to use the idea that I was sitting down on a desk with a ring on my finger and Sarah was shouting at me to take it off but I just couldn't resist, it was too beautiful.

 Overall, I think it went really well, it took quite a long time to get started; then we progressed on well. I think as a team we worked really well and effective together as we would all have different ideas to contribute. This activity gave us a feel of how to start to make a movie, it also showed me how long it must take to create one movie by all the different shots that were taken.

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