“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Monday 27 January 2014

All Editing Sessions


Today, we went up into the editing suite to start finally editing our thriller. First we created a log bin and the rushes bin.
We started to organise which shot we wanted to use by dragging the shot we want to keep out of the rushes into the log bin, then we named each shot to make it easier for us to identify each shot.
We started to progress by cutting the part we needed out of each shot and putting it into the timeline.
We continued editing our short films. This time our task was to finish the film off and to make the cuts flow into one, so that the audience would not be able to acknowledge the cuts at all. This was quite a difficult task; as our camera angles were not as accurate as they could of been, for example using the 30 degrees rule. Our aim for next time, now that we've learnt about the 180degrees and the 30degrees rule would be to take those into practice and use them.


To finalise our thriller we need to edit in 'Final Cut Pro'  is the background audio, to get rid of any muffling or spoken directions we say in the video and to find a soundtrack and to edit it into our sequence.

Firstly, we compared the audio quality captured on the camera microphone and the hand held microphone. To do this we needed to modify-stereo unpair and listen closely, copy and paste the chosen sound to each speaker and stereo pair them back up.

We added a cross fade on most of the audio to make it sound more smooth and fluid. In some of the audio we had people talking through it; to repair this I cut it out and copied a section of another audio that sounded similar and doubled it up to fit the gap and cross faded them all together. Our thriller opens with a TV playing, we thought that it would be effective to have a news report on in the background to support the idea of the asylum on the newspaper. The media department had a range of different new reports. I imported this to run through most of the thriller. To be even more realistic sounding, I marked up where he walked out the room and changed  the level of this audio from -2 to -11. This would make it sound like it was playing in other room. Lastly, we added a dark and dangerous soundtrack to come in when he looks at the newspaper. However, I changed to level so it is extremely quiet until the outside shot of the car; I increased the level to make it even more effective. We now have a finished and polished product!

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