“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Friday 31 January 2014

Evaluation Task 2: How does your product represent particular social groups?

How does your product represent particular social groups?
For our opening title sequence, we made the decision to use our Media Studies teacher, who is a 38 years old white British middle-aged man. Due to the idea of us not having a budget at all, we could not hire an actor to film for this opening sequence. With a bigger budget than we worked with on the day, we could of potentially put a lot more effort on the costume and props we used throughout the day.
     Instead of using our media teacher, we could of then hired an older looking actor to portray a police detective who looks like he is wiser and much more experienced in life. To portray a stereotypical middle-class, middle-aged man, who is single and an alcoholic, the costume choice we made was ordinary working clothes aka.
a long-sleeved shirt,
black trousers,
black belt,
shiny black shoes,
a tie,
a long overall coat.

    To put across that Adam was playing an alcoholic, we made him look very untidy and not very cleanly shaven, he fell asleep from the previous night in the same clothes he was wearing the night before, so his clothing were creased, his shirt was un tucked and his tie was hanging loose around his neck. Older alcoholics normally have many wrinkles, bad skin and do not tend to look after their appearance.
   To make Adam look more like a stereotypical detective, we could of used the stereotypical detective hat to go with the suit, maybe a briefcase, a detective badge on his coat or blazer, he could of maybe smoked a cigar.
   Due to not having a budget at all to work with, the car was difficult to get hold of, so we had to end up using one of the teachers old car. If we were to distribute this film into an American film company, we would most definitely be able to use an American detective car, just like the image to the right.
  I researched older male actors who would suit the role for the middle-aged detective. I came across two very well known actors,

   Ed Harris [63years] and                                                               Hector Elizondo [77years]

For our role actor, we wanted him to look quite mysterious and to have that sinister look to him. Our actor would not have much hair to maybe show the stress he has been through in his past life, as stress leads to loss of hair.

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