“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Comparing Credit Listing 4- Se7en

The Credit Listings in order:
  1. Film studio
  2. Producer
  3. Director
  4. Starring Actors  x2
  5. Title of Movie
  6. Additional actors  x15
  7. Casting
  8. Music /Composer
  9. Costume Designer
  10. Editor
  11. Director of Photography
  12. Co Producers
  13. Co Executive Producers
  14. Executive Producers
  15. Writer
  16. Producers
  17. Director 
This opening sequence matches up this the Silence of the lambs almost exact, however like Shutter Island mentions the Directors and the Producers firstly. They have mentioned all the Co Executive Producers and Executive Producers. This could show that there was a huge team of Producers rather then one man. Unlike Silence of the Lamb, this credit opening is not introducing a character yet; so can have many more graphics and editing effects in it. The editor have taken the theme of books and writing a applied it to the credit text by doing each word in a different font.

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