Before the day of the shoot, I prepared all
the necessities we would need to carry out a successful thriller. I needed to
remember our storyboard due to the fact it was the key to knowing exactly what
we needed to carry out for our thriller. We also had props we needed to get
ourselves before the day; Pro plus tablets, alcohol bottles, cereal boxes, crisps,
a newspaper, clothes etc.
In the morning of the shoot I was eager and raring to
go, but I was also a bit nervous as I had never filmed anything properly like
this before, so it was all new to me, and I was a little worried that we
wouldn't get everything done in time, but really there was nothing to worry
about as the day went to plan extremely well.
When we arrived for the shoot, I was very prepared and I had brought
everything with me that I needed to bring, whereas my other two colleagues were
not as organized, there were a few things they had forgotten to bring to the
shoot, so our schedule had to be delayed due to the fact we had to get these
items. Before we could even start we had to set up the room to suit our protagonist
in the thriller; he is an Inspector who is an alcoholic, so his flat would be
very messy with hints of alcohol bottles everywhere. To do this we just messed
the room up, by opening a packet of crisps and dumping on the table next to a
glass of vodka, with the open bottle, the TV still on etc.

The location of the turrets was in a very quiet country area, it was
very small; it had a small lounge, with a small kitchen in the corner of the
room. I thought that we created the concept of the look we wanted exactly, with
the flat looking like it did; I don’t think we could have done it any better.
On the shoot day we all played a role, first I played the role as the director
calling “roll camera” “cut” “action”. We had three different areas in the room
we wanted to film, first I was director, then on the camera filming and then on
sound. I was particularly good at setting up the room in order to film; I was
also very good at smoothly moving the camera to show our actor getting dressed,
so whenever we needed the camera to be moved whilst filming I took over. The
only minor problem we had on our shoot day, towards the end of the day, was
that it getting dark outside quickly and we needed to portray that it was in
the morning so it had to look bright outside. Luckily we had two big side
lights to use to show that it was light outside and it worked extremely well. The
most successful part of the shoot was the day going to plan, so everything else
just fell into place very well, we were with our schedule. The part I enjoyed
the most about the shoot was filming on the camera, I really enjoyed doing that
and experimenting each time, with different shots. I am really looking forward
to seeing the film in the edit; I am most looking forward to seeing my part
that I filmed.
production group worked really well as a team, although we were quite quiet at
first and not sure where to start as soon as we got going, we were all very
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