“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Friday 27 September 2013

Account of prelim post production

In today's Lesson, it was my first experience using the software 'Final cut pro'. We were first shown how to get onto the software and to find our work. We then as a group viewed all of the video footage we filmed together and we would choose the best quality sequences; by dragging the actual image of the video itself to be placed into the rush bin.
  Out of all of the sequences we had chosen, we then had to combine them as one whole footage. To do so, we had to go into the rush bin and we had to decide whether which video would go first etc.
 As a group we wanted the video where there was a mysterious, spooky, horror sound effect that Lulu and Luke made with their voices; with a close-up of my face looking down and distressed to introduce our short film. It automatically showed the audience what genre the film was going to be. Once we had selected one sequence, we could cut out the part we wanted to use by pressing on the keyboard 'I' which stands for In'O' which stands for Out - this would enable us to cut it and then we dragged the video down to the timeline; we'd continue this process with the rest of the small clips to create a short film.
  Overall this exercise with Matt taught me the overall basic instructions on how to use Final Cut Pro, how to cut sequences by using 'in' and 'out', that a shortcut to play a sequence you can press the spacebar and lastly how to combine the sequences into one.

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