“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Friday 6 September 2013

Introduction to Media Studies

Hello my name is Claudia Beth Mewis, I am sixteen years old and I am from Birmingham. I am currently studying Media Studies, English Literature, Theatre Studies and Dance at Hurtwood House; as you can see I am very into the creative side of life at Hurtwood.

I am really passionate about Performing Arts! I have been singing and dancing for fifteen years at a stage school. I'm also a film lover, I love watching dramatic, romantic, horror, fantasies and many more. All the Harry Potter films are fantastic! And did you know that James and Oliver Phelps (Ginger Weasley twins) used to live next door to me. The quality of them is outstanding, everything from the design of the set, to the words the actors are fantastic and extremely clever. I wasn't really into action films until I watched Skyfall and Taken directed by Pierre Morel. Those two films really encouraged
  Some of my favourite romantic, drama films are The Notebook, Titanic, The Impossible, The Vow, Twilight, Les Miserables, Bridesmaids, Grease and many more. I don't really like watching horror films; as I've read many things and watched many documentaries about peoples lives that have been ruined or traumatised by watching a horror, for example The Exorcist. However, I can't wait to create my film my own thriller, by using all the technology in Media such as the Sony NX5 Camera, which I have never used before, and being able to edit on the software, Final Cut Pro.
   I have never done Media Studies before and I can't wait to get started!


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