“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Tuesday 9 December 2014

What is a focus group?

What is a focus group?

A focus group is a form of group interviewing. Focus groups rely on the interaction between the group and the researchers, the focus group gives the researchers their opinions about their product they have made.

In our case the products we made were a music video, a digipak and a website. Our intention for all three products was to  make sure that the focus group firstly could see a clear connection between all three products, then for them to straight away see what genre the music is, what type of artist have we portrayed and whether all three products convey this artist well, and if not how would they suggest we would improve it.

During the focus group session, we would like to get a lot out of the group. The group consisted of 16-17 year old girls and boys. We wanted to know if they most importantly liked our music video, and if not how would they improve it. Then, we wanted to see if they website was easy to go through and to make sure it is clear to understand, and lastly we wanted to see if they liked the digipak and if not what they would of done to improve it.

The questions we asked our focus group:

We previewed an example of a focus group on YouTube and picked up on the good elements and the bad elements of how the researcher managed the focus group.
  • He asked simple, short questions
  • He directed the group to key issues
  • He took down notes 
  • Listens and records what they say
  • He created a friendly and relaxed- he welcomed opinions, wasn't defended if he was insulted 
  • he wanted to find out new information and wanted to find out about them
What is the point of a focus point? 

The point of a focus group is to get as much as information as possible, without giving the information you want to hear to the group. This is successfully achieved by listening and hardly talking.

Why might it be worth testing your own products at this (rough cut) stage?

So you can use new information and feedback to improve the effectiveness of the product, to make it even more appealing to their audience.

How will you test each individual product? 

For the music video we will show it on the big screen, and ask them what they think is going on in the video.

For the digipak we will print it on card, in colour and to the right size 125mm-140mm and 10mm for the spine.

For the homepage we will preview it and let the group go through it and make their way round the website themselves.

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