“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Monday 15 December 2014

Evaluation of audience feedback

Evaluation of audience feedback

Some of the quotes from 16-17 year olds


"The way her face is decorated, you wouldn't see her perform like that"
"I think all three are very well linked" 


"I like the black and white"
"I like the inside with just her eyes"
"The image tripled is really nice"
"The colours and layouts make me think of Dubstep music"
"Is that the album cover, or is that the single cover"
"The colours with the eyes  could be used to reflect the colours in the video, so maybe you can use them in the website or the digipak"
"I really like the outside of the digipak, and the eyes in the inside are nice; however, you could show the video colour within the digipak"


"Because the video is projected onto the trees, it doesn't make her feel real. So the fact that she is the representative, and not the actual artist; links all three really well"
"Maybe insert an image of the actual DJ, like a photoshoot next to the video or something to make it really clear"
"You can never put the DJ in the forest in the picture to show the link"


The whole idea of having a feedback group is so that you can see whether other people like your work, not just you and to see what they think could change and give us ideas on how to change it. Although we may like the three products ourselves as an editor/producer you want the audience to like it as well. The audience is our main priority.

What I have got out of the feedback?
  • The three products are successful and very unique, however we need to make a few alterations to link our three products together even more
  • We need to establish who is the face of the artist 
  • As a group we had to go back and work on our products- for the website we decided to keep the DJ as the female as we had images of the female in the music video and a male DJ which was just too confusing
  • Overall, the group really seemed to like our music video, our unique idea, our digipak and website!

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