“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Monday 14 October 2013

Getting divided into our Thriller Groups

Today, we were put into small groups for our Media Studies Thriller Coursework.  I am in a Group with Ellie and Daria.

Our Media teacher decided on who would work together well, and he made the groups fair by equally splitting males and females up; this was due to the stereotypical idea: that the male students strengths were that they would come up with many unique, intriguing thriller plots and ideas, that the public would most definitely go and see, but their weaker areas would be putting effort into how the set would look on the day.

Whereas the vast majority of the female students, have the strength of been very creative (not all girls), and are very capable of designing out very precisely, the design of the set, the costumes and the way they wanted the thriller to be filmed on the shoot day.

Our potential strengths in the group currently consist of three creative students. Ellie is an art student, Daria is a textiles student, and as for me I am a theatre and dance student; outside of school, in my own time, I love sketching and painting.

Our weaknesses are that Daria and Ellie are quite shy and quiet, this was a problem at first, as communication was lost a lot and I had to take the lead of the speaker and present our sketch to the class, but then as we grew as a group and bonded more, we all became equally a leader.

I am very pleased with my group, as we all get along very well in Media, and I am looking forward to working with Ellie and Daria in the near future.

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