“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Sunday 6 October 2013

Kill Bill- Buried Alive Scene

Beatrix's Buried Alive Scene

The scene starts with hammering with nails on the coffin. The hammering of the nails is much louder than it would be in real life; this is so that as an audience member it effects us too . The long notes create a sense of calmness which juxtaposes with the hammering and the heavy breathing going on in this scene. It creates a slight discomfort for the audience with the contrasting sounds.

At this moment in the scene, the hammering slows down which suggests that they are nearly finished. There is one final hammer , which is extra loud and has a certain edge to it which suggests that the man using the hammer puts a lot of effort into the final hit. Then the screen goes black, this tells us that the coffin has been properly sealed and her life is going to end soon.

At this point as the screen is pitch black we can hear a few things. Beatrix is breathing hysterically and whimpering heavily and deeply. There is music that plays throughout the whole thing. Having a plain black screen makes the audience focus on the sounds, and at this moment I felt almost as if I were in the coffin and it effected me as I thought, imagine if I were her in that coffin, what an earth would I do? The heaviness of Beatrix's breaths suggest that she is having a hard time getting oxygen in the small coffin.
As well as Beatrix breathing quickly you can hear shovelling of the soil being chucked on top of the coffin.

The sound and effects of the soil then being dropped on top of the coffin is strong and identifiable. The idea of the sound being strong is so that it implies that there is a lot of it being shovelled on and that it’s quite thick and dense. Also, it is what Beatrix would here, this makes the audience feel that they are in the coffin with her.
At this point, the shovelling is still going on; the noise of the soil plying on top is getting quieter and quieter but she tries to scream. Her screams are so quiet in comparison to the shovelling sounds, this shows that no one can hear her. Beatrix's screams are distressed and full frustration; not sadness in the slightest. This seems to suggest that she is more agitated about the situation than she is sad.

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