“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Sunday 11 January 2015

Evaluation Task 2- How effective is the combination of your main and ancillary products?

Evaluation Task 2

Some photos we took during making the film for the Evaluation Task 2 (look below). In this Evaluation Task we had to summarize our three products: the Music Video, the Digipak and the Website. We discussed how we conveyed our chosen star image in each of our products and how an audience would recognise the star; we also spoke about how we tried to sell the artist to an audience and how we would get an audience to come to watch a live concert for our artist and why. Lastly, we discussed the branding of the product and what our logo could be for 'Marshall' our artist and if we have an iconic colour scheme or something that stands out like a different sort of style.

How did we construct a star image?

1. Constructing a star image - how do each of them contribute to the representation of the star (what are the meanings they generate) and to which audience segment are these meanings appealing too?

Music Video
  • Represents the star image as a unique, trippy, diverse artist like Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus
  • We set the music video in a woods to portray the star image as mysterious, dark and rebellious
  • The audience we wanted our music video to appeal to: 18-25 year olds, mainly a male audience
  • On our digipak we used a black and white effect to keep the dark themes throughout
  • We also tripled the image to create an illusion to withstand the trippy theme
  • The website contains a lot of images of the star image to convey to the audience that she is the star image
2. Cross promotion - how do the products sell one another and/or other products that the label would sell? For example, how does the video promote live ticket sales by indicating a spectacular show with dance routines and costume changes etc?

  • The website sells the hardcopies of the digipak as well as showing the music video on the main home page showing that you are able find both products on the website which will be helpful for the fans of Marshall
  • The video shows clips of dance routines in the background, the video is interpreted in different ways so for live shows you could do a lot with the show
  • Due to the fact that the music video can be interpreted in many different manners, this creates a reason for the fans to want to see a live show as they will be curious to what Marshall will perform

3. Branding - how do each of the products help to create a branding, which could be a logo, or a name or more vague, an iconic use of colour scheme, visual style or language

  • The logo that creates branding throughout our three products is the tribal theme that is soon through the use of colours and make-up styling. 
  • it helps her stand out from the other artists and acts within the genre and gives her an individual identity making her memorable to the audience
  • the iconic use of colour in make-up creates a memorable visual style for the audience
  • In the digi-pak you can see the artist wearing the tribal make-up on the front panel of the digi-pak allowing the audience to recognise her immediately as the tribal make-up is part of her branding
  • the make-up is not only worn by the main artist but is also worn by all supporting dancers and performers to reinforce the artists identity through branding.

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