“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Friday 19 September 2014

The Pitch to Luke

Pitching out final ideas

Today in the lesson was our group pitch to Luke, who has had many years experience of creating successful music videos, so he knows what will and what wont work. Each group today had to stand up in front of the class and in front of Luke and pitch there idea and we had to sell it. We had to pitch our two ideas, on the prezi's we made a few days ago. This is a really important part of promo process as Luke will tell us if our ideas will work or if we have to scrap them and think of a different idea, which would not be good at all.

I recorded the feedback we were given from Luke whilst pitching our two ideas, our first idea we presented to him was Stranger- Skrillex.

  • filming it in the studio is better than filming it in the woods- just in case it rains
  • Luke said that people coming out from behind trees may be seen as comical and people may laugh at this idea in the music video, he said this as Bella (one of our group members) suggested the idea, straight away she laughed at it- which we do not want, we wanted the audience to feel uncomfortable and disturbed as its so weird and different 
  • we had focused too much on the set design and how its going to look rather than the performance elements themselves- however Luke likes the idea he just said we need to expand on more than just some dancers dancing in a woods, we need to think more about the visual performance and how we can make it really interesting to watch
  • Luke liked the idea of the tribal dancing as it is very unique as no one else is doing it

Our second idea is R U Mine- Girls on Drugs (cover)

  • The first advice Luke gave us which I found quite surprising, was that he didn't find the idea of the 'Beauty and the Beast' rose in the glass case very interesting and he said "its a bit cliche" and to think of another idea like rotting fruit in a fruit bowl or ice melting.
  • We weren't really clear with what we were saying with the music video. Laura said the video is about love/lust but we were questioned to how would the audience understand this element of the video and he questioned us to whether we thought the audience would understand the idea of it being about love or lust- he said it would work but we need to be more obvious about it
  • They didn't like the jazz bar idea, he said just to use a stylized background, we are thinking too theatric
  • he liked the red colour theme throughout and the 'sin city' idea, but we need to develop our ideas and create a meaning for this idea
To conclude, Luke said that he liked both ideas; he saw them both being successful and having potential to be a good music video, but we needed to make sure we had enough detail. In the next stage we will be working in a lot more detail so that we can see which one will actually be more of a success. 
I think from the feedback the jazz idea seemed to have more potential, however even though the Skrillex idea needed more work, I think it could look more effective on the screen, its more unique, also I can see this idea being more fun and creative to film and design the set- one of the main parts of making a music video is that you enjoy creating it, then leading onto the video to become a success.

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