“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Our First storyboard

What is a storyboard? 
A storyboard is basically a series of drawn pictures that portray the order in which you want to film. It gives you a structured idea of the storyline, very similar to a comic strip, a visual way of planning each shot to be taken. 
1.                                               2. 
3.                                               4.

What is a storyboard for?

A storyboard enables the film director to visualize the flow of the camera shots; it sets an outline of what is intended to appear on the cinema screen. Drawing a rough storyboard is the first step a director will take in visualising a script or a screenplay.

Once a storyboard is completed roughly, it is then used as the basis for discussions between the film director and director of photography.  It is not usually necessary to storyboard the whole film.


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