“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Thursday 13 March 2014

Evaluation Task 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

How did you attract/address your audience?
Our psychological thriller was aimed more to adults, around the age range of 30-50 year old males, due to the fact that we wanted our thriller to be complicated and hard to understand, younger children wouldn't understand it as much. I do not think this thriller would appeal to younger children as there is not going to be a lot of action, it is more focused on the mind and emotions, which can be quite disturbing. We also wanted to base our thriller around a detective, who is an alcoholic, and from our research we found that more adults appeal more to this kind of thriller.
Our opening title sequence, contains the use of the...

misuse of drug taking,

the detective shown to be an excessive alcoholic,

going to an asylum.

Quite a lot of adults can relate to the main protagonist in our thriller, whereas younger children will not be able to.

The majority of younger children will not be interested in this sort of mystery thriller, mainly because it doesn't appeal to them, I also think it would be quite boring for them to watch, as this is the sort of film you really have to concentrate in, when watching it. Younger children would appeal more, to action thrillers for example, The Hunger Games, Skyfall, Casino Royale etc, this is because of all of the excitement that goes on in these thrillers, including all the car chases, all the weapons used, and violence that goes on, but our thriller does not contain any violence. 

  Teenagers and adults such as myself (17 years old), would not be practically interested in a mystery thriller; they would rather watch a different genre thriller such as: paranormal or action, some examples such as The Paranormal Activities, The Purge etc.

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