“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Sunday 13 October 2013

Thriller Idea 1

Media Thrillers

Tube station
This film is based on a traditional English family that are travelling up to Scotland to their holiday home for a weekend. They travel up to Scotland by tube station and then by taxi. They are running really late for the train and their youngest little boy is crying and screaming because he is tired. They run for the train and finally make it, and there seems to be a lot of technical difficulties on the train and in their house in Scotland. A main part to this film is this scary looking man, who is always smirking; he is the ticket man, he is on the same train; he is the taxi driver. Many mysterious things go on during their weekend in Scotland.

     The opening sequence starts off at the London tube station. We are introduced to an English family of four; a mum, a dad and two young boys. The youngest of the two boys is crying and screaming, and the family are running late for their train. The dad buys their train ticket and we get a shot of the ticket man’s face smiling at them.  They are now sprinting and running down the stairs for this train, tension rises, we can hear the panting of the dad, the voice at the station calls “platform 11A calling at Larbert Station”, the public are getting louder and louder. They finally get on the train, as the doors in slow motion start closing, the lights flicker and we get a shot of this familiar creepy man looking out of the train, sitting down, looking at the camera smirking and then everything goes pitch black. And the title appears with a sound effect.


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