“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Friday 8 August 2014

Third Music Video Idea

Third Music Video Idea

Time is running out- Muse

Setting: Set in a room/garage where the band play, this room will contain loads of clocks or an illusion of clocks on the wall. 

The music video is based around a couple, the main male leader and a girl. When listening to this song it gave me an idea on the theme of clocks/ a flame burning out portraying that his time is running out with this girl he is in love with. There will be shots of the band playing and singing, and the man male singer, close to the microphone.

The image to the left is similar to what I want the band to look like and set out. They are a young male band, there a four of them, in a garage.

There will be close ups of the main singer like the image to the left.

Costume: they will be an all male band, they will wear greys/dark clothing.

To add a different quirky idea to this music video, instead of seeing their faces, for their costume idea they will be dressed as a normal band, with a clock head/ clock eyes, like the following image below...

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