“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Thursday 29 May 2014

Evaluation of 'Love is easy- McFly'

Evaluation of 'Love is Easy - McFly'

In this music video McFly are seen to be conveying the typical boy band' image and as a 17 year old girl, I can say that I really like this music video and I am a fan of McFly.
"Love Is Easy" is unlike other McFly singles as it heavily features the ukelele, being the first song that Tom Fletcher had written using it; Fletcher explains "[the band] wrote most of the melody first and that was just inspired because I bought a ukulele and that was the first song I wrote on it really".
According to Dougie Poynter, the song was partly inspired by the film Love Actually, saying "that moment in 'Love Actually' when one of the porn couple says 'all I want for Christmas is you', that moment there was our inspiration". The song also incorporates a quote from the 1946 film It's a Wonderful Life.This is the first McFly single that hasn't been released as a CD single.
The music video appeals to young teenaged girls as their music is generally about 'love' and appeal to girls more than boys (which is their aim).
The video does not have a narrative story like 'Pretty Hurts'- Beyoncé, but it is comical and clever the way they have made it. This is quite rare for the singers to be playing instruments in their music video and McFly seem to break this barrier. McFly are seen to be playing instruments in this video and this creates a strong star image showing that they aren't just good at singing- they are also musically talented musicians as well.

Evaluation of 'Pretty Hurts - Beyoncé'

Evaluation of 'Pretty Hurts- Beyoncé'

The star image in this video is Beyoncé, which centres around the pressures on women to have outer beauty. The video shows the lengths that women have to go to in order to fit in and Beyoncé is dolled up as she takes part in a beauty pageant. The video is aimed at mainly older teenage girls from ages 14-18 years old.

The genre of this song is a cross between R&B, Pop and Soul. The music video is a narrative where Beyoncé is trying to create the message of that everyone is beautiful and it is hard for women especially is the world of beauty, its not easy. "Perfection is a disease of a nation".

During the music video, we hardly see Beyoncé lip singing, the music is recorded in a studio of her singing the song and then is put on top of the music video. There are a lot of juxtaposing shots of her in her bedroom on the floor showing the pain and suffering a beauty pageant goes through and then it cuts back to a shot of Beyoncé put on a 'face' and smiling in front of the cameras even though she isn't happy. This music video is most definitely a preferred reading as everything makes sense and I understand the narrative clearly throughout.

Even though this video conveys a message and Beyoncé says herself in an interview, 'It's really finding yourself that brings you happiness'.

Beyoncé is a self-described "modern-day feminist", Beyoncé's songs are often characterized by themes of love, relationships, and monogamy, as well as female sexuality and empowerment. On stage, her dynamic, highly choreographed performances have led to critics hailing her as one of the best entertainers in contemporary popular music.

This image is of Beyoncé when she was a little girl, when she used to dress up and make herself pretty for beauty pageants but now she feels they are not healthy, and the fun has been taken out of them and they are basically now revolving around competition, drugs, surgery, everything that is unnatural to make you 'beautiful' in the modern society.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Starting the A2 Course...

I have just completed the AS course and last week I took my AS Media Studies examination; I was so happy to find out it was Downton Abbey, thankyou examiners! 

In the AS year we focused on Thrillers and Drama genres in film. We are now focusing on the music industry, which I am very excited about doing! I cannot wait to make my own music video!

Bring on the next year of Media Studies, woo!