“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Narrative Action Of Our Thriller

Narrative action of Our Thriller

·      The detective stumbles home after a night of drinking at the local pub. He lives alone, single with no family.
·     We shoot him from behind as he struggles to open the front door of his house. He tries to put in the key in the door [we shoot a close –up of his hand and the key], eventually he does so.
·     He trembles through the house, struggles up the stairs [POV high angle] , goes into his room and collapses onto his bed. [black out]
·     Shot of the alarm going off, cuts to him waking up and reacting to the alarm; thinks about what happened last night in his face.
·     He gets out of bed, walks to the bathroom.
·     Enters the bathroom, [POV] of him turning on the tap, and washing his face.
·     He puts shaving foam on and shaves his face.
·     Gets dressed, put his tie on and ties it, buckles up his cufflinks and puts on a blazer.
·     Looks at himself in the mirror
·     Goes downstairs
·     Starts to cook breakfast
·     Frying bacon, cutting bread, kettle goes off, shot of knife cutting bread
·     Shot of him sitting at the dining table, reading a newspaper with a coffee.
·     Close up of the newspaper he is reading [O/S]
·     Looks at his wristwatch
·     Walks out the front door, whilst putting his coat on
·     Walks to his car and enters the car
·     Goes into the dashboard and gets out a bottle of alcohol and drinks it all
·     Pulls off the drive and the gates open
·     Arrives at the asylum.

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