“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Thursday 12 December 2013

Shooting Schedule

                                                                      08.45am meet at lower car park
09.00am leave Hurtwood House
09.30am arrive at a house?
9.30am-9.45am set up for bedroom/bathroom shots
9.45am-10. 30am shoot bedroom/bathroom scenes

Storey board number:
10.30am-11.00am set up shots for going down the stairs/kitchen
11.00am-12.00pm shoot going down the stairs and kitchen scene
Storey board number:

12.00pm-12.30pm shoot walking down corridor/putting on coat
Storey board number: 27.28.29

12.30pm-1.00pm lunch break
1.00pm-1.30pm set up for getting into the car/pulling off the drive
1.30pm-2.00pm shoot getting into the car/pulling off the drive
Storey board number:30.31.32

2.00pm- 2.30pm/3.00pm relocate to Peaslake to shoot
3.00pm-3.30pm set up to shoot car pulling up/ shoot asylum
3.30pm-4.00pm shoot car pulling in /asylum
Storey board number: 33.34
4.00pm-4.30pm leave Peaslake, go to Lodge?
4.30pm- 5.00pm set up to film outside blurry shot/key part
5.00pm-5.30pm shoot outside part/ key part

Storey board  number: 1.2

5.30pm End shoot-pack up 

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Narrative Action Of Our Thriller

Narrative action of Our Thriller

·      The detective stumbles home after a night of drinking at the local pub. He lives alone, single with no family.
·     We shoot him from behind as he struggles to open the front door of his house. He tries to put in the key in the door [we shoot a close –up of his hand and the key], eventually he does so.
·     He trembles through the house, struggles up the stairs [POV high angle] , goes into his room and collapses onto his bed. [black out]
·     Shot of the alarm going off, cuts to him waking up and reacting to the alarm; thinks about what happened last night in his face.
·     He gets out of bed, walks to the bathroom.
·     Enters the bathroom, [POV] of him turning on the tap, and washing his face.
·     He puts shaving foam on and shaves his face.
·     Gets dressed, put his tie on and ties it, buckles up his cufflinks and puts on a blazer.
·     Looks at himself in the mirror
·     Goes downstairs
·     Starts to cook breakfast
·     Frying bacon, cutting bread, kettle goes off, shot of knife cutting bread
·     Shot of him sitting at the dining table, reading a newspaper with a coffee.
·     Close up of the newspaper he is reading [O/S]
·     Looks at his wristwatch
·     Walks out the front door, whilst putting his coat on
·     Walks to his car and enters the car
·     Goes into the dashboard and gets out a bottle of alcohol and drinks it all
·     Pulls off the drive and the gates open
·     Arrives at the asylum.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Music ideas (Research)

For the beginning of our opening sequence, our character is drunk and the editing is going to be blurred out vision. So the music can't be happy it has to be an intense piece of music, which creates a sense of danger and uncertainty. 

For the beginning of the video, we researched music for the beginning where the actor comes into the house drunk, as though he has just arrived home, from a night out drinking; we want it to be very intense and mysterious.

This type of music would go really well, with an edited out blurred effect.