“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Monday 11 November 2013

Production Meeting One

Production Meeting One

Discussing Ideas...
First we listened to each others thriller ideas; between us we decided that we wanted to use two thrillers combined:

First Idea
its starts off with a man who suffers with OCD (obsessive compulsive
disorders). We wanted to show this man's structured routine
and how everything is portrayed immaculate and in
an order. We wanted to include a twist to
this thriller where this man would be
a killer who kills beautiful
women, who are
all very the
Second Idea
there would
be an inspector who
comes to a mental health
asylum, to investigate a mysterious
death. The inspector look at an outline of
a body on the floor, he speaks to someone and
looks back and the body has gone and then a black out. 

Our group idea sharing worked with ease, we all agreed that we would interpret the two ideas as one.
Although, we were worried that the OCD idea would come across quite cliché, we are still very confident with this idea and we feel that we can film it very interestingly. The sequence will include something unique about OCD; which we are going to research.

In our first practical production meeting, we were starting our storyboards. A story board is when you put the story you are trying to portray down on a piece of paper by drawing a picture for each shot. We chose the best artist in the group to draw and the other two we're making final decisions. We went through this process very quickly and it made our thriller story even more realistic. 

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