“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Sunday 30 November 2014


Today, we asked Calum if we could use him to be our represented DJ figure. Our DJ is called Marshall. These are the images we took of him in the Music Technology rooms.


Planning for the photoshoot

Planning for the Photoshoot

We emailed our cast to thank them on behalf of their input, time and effort they offered us on the day of the shoot. We also reassured them that the footage looks really impressive. We also asked them if they were free for a photoshoot in a weeks time.

Different plan... changes were made...

Changes were then made for the photoshoot. Due to the fact that most of the cast were very busy; we struggled to get a day where everyone was available, so instead we decided to just have a photoshoot with Bethany (our lead female role) and Calum (our DJ Marshall).

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Experimenting with the music video

Music Video in process...

When editing our music video, we had all the shots we needed; it was just experimenting and finding out what shots to use where and when. After the first shoot day, we then had 7 days to edit our whole video in order to shoot the second shoot day, where we will project the edited video onto the woods and film that as our final product.

This video is a rough cut of the dancers routine.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Evaluation of shoot day

Our First Shoot 18/11/96

The day before to set up for the shoot day, our music video required no set, however we did need to focus on the costumes, the props and the makeup. 

As our music video is very art directed, we knew that we didn't have a set to prepare as we were only filming in a black studio. However, we had the whole cast to prepare for. To begin with, we started with the dancers, this was my idea as from experience I know that the make-up/ face paint would be very time-consuming and so would filming the dancers, due to the fact all four dancers dance together in unison and if one person was slightly out of time, or did the wrong step we would have to film that shot again. We all had one dancer each to do their hairstyle and make-up, we brought in all the equipment we needed for example, makeup wipes, snazaroo face paint, hairbands, hair brushes, hairspray etc. Lauren and I also did some research the day before for the tribal patterns we liked for the dancers, and we used these images for inspiration...

Before we started the shoot, the studio was all black; black floor and black curtains of material covering up any windows or light in the room. This enabled for us to focus on the lighting effects and the art directed costumes/makeup. We decided to have the cast in as much white as possible as in a few weeks we will be projecting our edited music video into the forest onto the trees, white will be very bold and will stand out in the darkness. This white and black theme created the concept of angels and devils, heaven and hell or good and evil. The Godly-like figures Bethany, Ezra and the lost young lad were all good figures, whereas the four dancers and the two boys were evil figures.

The studio was all black, black floor, black curtains so that no light would get in and so that we could have a black, plain background. As their costumes were bright white, against a black backdrop for when we project the music video into the woods for our second shoot day, it will stand out.

Our roles on the day of the shoot were all given to our strengths. Lauren and I are dancers and we choreographed the dance. So on the shoot day, I was standing behind the camera marking the dance for the dancers so they get it right and in sync with one another. This job I decided to give myself on the day, and with me instructing the dancers and counting them in whilst dancing, saved a lot of time. I also had the job of preparing one of the dancers Elena (as shown below).

 This is all of the dancers made up ready for the shoot day:

There was not a most significant part of the shoot day that was successful, the whole day was successful. However,  if Lauren and I didn't choreograph the dancer and rehearse a lot with the dancers to make sure they know what they doing off-by-heart, the music video would not of worked as well. The music we decided to choose for the music video hardly had very little singing and a lot more music for the dancers to dance.

I think that we really made a good choice on the people we chose for the music video: The dancers, Ezra and Bethany. Although, we were going to also get shots of two boys running after Max, but in the end we had a lot of footage


Thank you to everyone who took part, it was a great success!

Monday 17 November 2014

Shooting our Music Video tomorrow

Shoot day preparation for tomorrow

The day has finally come to shooting our music video, all our hard work, time and preparation has gone into making this music video a success! We have emailed the cast our shooting schedule for tomorrow just to remind them again when they are needed throughout the day, and what some of the cast need to bring themselves.

Saturday 15 November 2014

Shot List for the shoot day

Shot List

  1. Ezra lip syncing- shot of Ezra lip syncing to the camera, looking left and right, shot of his lips lip syncing
  2. Bethany lip syncing- shot of painted eyes on Bethany’s eyelids and she opens them, shooting her lips of her lip syncing
  3. Dance- Shooting them dancing strong movements, crawling on the floor towards the camera, painting themselves
  4. The chase- Running across the studio with (fake) Knives
  5. Converting Max- ripping his clothes and painting him

Thursday 13 November 2014