“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

-Andrew Sullivan

Thursday 6 February 2014

Evaluation Task 4: Who would be the target audience for your media product?

Who would be the target audience for your media product?
Before going through with filming our thriller, our predictions for our targeted audience were it was more suited to males who are around the age range from 30-50 years old .

To work out the target audience for our thriller, we filmed interviews of different ages and genders of people asking the questions below...
  1. How old are you?
  2. What is your favourite genre of film
  3. What do you expect to see in a thriller?
  4. What do you like about thrillers?
  5. Tell me your favourite thriller and why?
  6. Would you go to watch... a psychological thriller based around a detective who is an alcoholic that is investigating a crime scene, that takes place at an asylum, it is a story of his tragic past.

Overall, after a lot of researching and surveying about our target audience, I have reached the conclusion of the male audience being our target, more specifically the older men. This was of course, our guess from the beginning as we followed the stereotype.

Saturday 1 February 2014

Evaluation Task 3: What kind of Media Institution might distribute your media product and why?

What kind of Media Institution might distribute your media product and why?
Our media product was made with no budget at all, so it is quite difficult to impress an audience who are watching, knowing that there is no money put into it whatsoever. The film is very basic at the moment, it does not include any big explosions or car scenes, which would cause the budget to increase. 
Our thriller was filmed in England, so it could start by being made into a British Television company such as BBC or ITV, as a British Detective series, and then progress from there. Luther is a 6 part British detective Drama series, produced by the BBC Drama Productions company. Inspector Morse is also a British Detective series made up out of 33 episodes. Our thriller could be made into a Detective series like the following, however knowing that Detective films aren't known to sell as well in Britain as they do in America, the thriller series could eventually turn out to be made into an American film such as Shutter Island.
Shutter Island is an American based thriller film based on a detective who is investigating a psychiatric facility on the titular island. It was distributed by Paramount Pictures, which is constantly ranked as one of the largest top grossing film studios, which distributed Titanic, Transformers, The Godfather, World War Z.  The budget for Shutter Island overall was $80million. The difference between our thriller and Shutter Island is the fact they were able to include action scenes with their high budget, they also had well known actors and actresses; Shutter Island had Leonardo DiCaprio, Emily Mortimer and Mark Ruffalo, whereas we could not use famous names, we only had access to teachers within our school.
    I researched all the different genres of thrillers that would go with our Thriller...
  • Horror Thriller e.g. Final Destination
  • Psychological Thriller e.g. Seven
  • Crime Thriller e.g. Silence of the Lamb
  • Romantic Thriller e.g. Obsession
  • Supernatural Thriller e.g. Exorcism
  • Action Thriller e.g. Taken
 We want our film to be more of a psychological thriller, rather than a romantic thriller or an action thriller.
Paramount Pictures
Paramount Pictures Corporation (commonly known as Paramount Pictures or simply Paramount) is a film and television production/distribution studio, consistently ranked as one of the largest (top-grossing) film studios.
It has distributed various commercially successful film series, such as Shrek, Transformers, Mission: Impossible, Indiana Jones, The Godfather, Star Trek, Jackass, The Bad News Bears, Beverly Hills Cop, Crocodile Dundee, Paranormal Activity, and G.I. Joe. I think that Paramount Pictures would be one film company that would most certainly take on our thriller due to the fact that Paramount distribute very different genres of films but mainly thriller/action films. Also due to the genre and themes of our thriller it could not fit into a British Independent Film company as they target films that contain realism and naturalism rather than action as they don't have the money to achieve this.